People who care, people who pray,people of God
JO is married to KUNLE.Jo runs two successful businesses(Helping Hand Cleaning and Ironing Services and Josephine's Tea Time which makes up and delivers luxury food hampers).She helps out from time to time in the ministry and the Cafe.Jo operates in the gifts of prophecy and evangelism.She longs to see the captives set free and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.Jo and Kunle also head up God's Greater Works Ministry

Oasis of Miracles is owned and run by KUNLE LAFE, a man with an overriding desire to see healing and miracles manifest in peoples' lives, alongside a dedicated team of volunteers from local churches who have a similar vision to see God move in our community .We are always willing to pray with you and speak prophetic words into your life.
There is always fun and laughter amid the more spiritual side of God's work and everyone who is involved leaves greatly blessed.
Meet KAY,our very anointed worship leader on a Wednesday morning from 8 -9 am.Why don't you come along and experience gentle worship of God and prophetic words in song. Kay also helps out in the Cafe and will be more than happy to speak into your life.

We have had a number of our volunteers move on to different things and also had some new ones join us.Watch this space for updates of newcomers.

STEVE,affectionately known as "Mr T."is a retired chef but can put his hands to most things.He operates in the gifts of words of knowledge and wisdom from the Lord
RONA has been in ministry for over 30 years and has a prophetic gifting.She is also a Seer and has helped many people over the years in the ministry of inner healing.Rona longs to see believers come to their fullness of who they are in Christ Jesus

RICH and LENA were married in July 2021 .The Holy Spirit is really moving in their lives and their prayers for themselves and others have brought immense rewards.Check out their testimony
We are always needing volunteers to assist in the cafe.
Should you feel like spending some time with us and having a great time to boot ,give us a ring on 01244 950156