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Should you have any need for prayer for yourself or someone dear to you,whether it be for healing,finances,relationships or your own personal walk with Jesus, we would be privileged to pray for you.

Our wonderful team of  Spirit led brothers and sisters in Christ will  pray into your circumstance and ask the Lord to prevail.

Unfortunately we cannot reply to requests via email or phone but be assured every request is acted upon and will be held for one week.

Please use the simple form below to submit your prayer request.

(check out our privacy policy if you have any concerns)


Tue - Sat : 9am - 5pm 

Unit 5, The Forum Shopping Centre, Chester, CH1 2BY 

Tel: 01244 950156

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Opening Times


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Should you have any need for prayer for yourself or someone dear to you, whether it be for healing, finances, relationships or your own personal walk with Jesus, we would be privileged to pray for you.

Please be assured that every single person has prayers said for them and their situation in Jesus' Mighty Name.


Prayer Requests

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