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                          FROM DARK TO LIGHT        Aug 2021

Simon came into Oasis of Miracles Cafe. He was in a very dark place. We prayed for him and He gave his heart to King Jesus. Watch and see the result. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord

                                              WEDDING PROVISION             July 2021


Listen to the amazing testimony from Rich and Lena about how God's awesome provision provided for their every need in the lead up to their wedding. Hallelujah



W                                                WHEELCHAIR MIRACLE



                                                              Saturday 10TH November 2018


                      Praise King Jesus for all the healings last night.

One lady came out her wheel chair after being in pain for many years & was running up & down the stairs in Daniel Owen centre.

One lady was set free from nicotine addiction.

Another lady had her hip completely healed after being in pain for some time.


                       There were many more people touched by the power of God last night.





                          LEG GROWS LONGER


This is a testimony  sent via text message to Kunle from a lady called Claire who attended the first Faith Ministry healing and miracle meeting in the Daniel Owen Centre in Mold.

(some changes in punctuation and grammar have been made to make it a little more reader friendly ,otherwise these are Claire's own words)



I went to the healing meeting with my friend Candy, we were sitting at the back praying, healing was breaking out. I had a horse accident when I was about 11-12 yrs old. I was putting a jump up ready for my friend to try the horse on jumps as the farmer had just bought the horse from Beeston Market. I heard her shout my name. I turned around and the horse reared up and knocked me down. As the horse was coming down towards my face the Angel of the Lord turned my head out of the way. I know in reality I should not be here, and in that situation things happen so fast you are frozen, so I ended up in hospital with a broken femur.

As time passed  it started to take affect on my body, and the leg was bout 2-3 inches shorter than the other, so I was constantly praying against hip replacement, spine damage, and pain in my body. At times the pain could be so severe I would cry as I am pressing in on praying, trusting for the healing from King Jesus,after I prayed it would ease up.
So getting back to the healing meeting, a retired minister stood up and testified his ears have been healed, praise the Lord, then he called out to me at the back of the room and said "Please say something", so I just said something back to him and he heard me, as always I get so excited and rejoice with what the Lord does, when all of a sudden I heard the Holy spirit say to me "You're next". I totally understand it was about my leg, so I said to my friend,  "I am going to get up for healing for my leg".Bless her, she didn't have a clue about my leg as I kinda kept it to myself, and only shared it when prompted to, to maybe a few people.

So I saw Jo and she asked me to sit down in a chair and sit right back on it and lift my feet up. At this point my shoes were off. Jo saw the difference in my legs and called Candy to come and see.She was shocked with how short it was. So one lady held my left leg and Jo my right leg which was shorter. Jo and Candy were praying and all of a sudden I knew the Lord was standing beside me and it was amazing.

It was like he reached into my hip and something supernatural happened. I didn't move anywhere or feel any pain at all but was excited. It was like from my hip something moved down then I saw a wave going down my leg, it was so amazing to watch what was happening and we were all like ,"Whooop! Praise the Lord". I stood up and both legs were the same length, well you should of heard me shouting," HAlLELUJAH", on the microphone and giving all the praise to King Jesus and testified what had just taken place, Thank you King Jesus 🎶 Whooop.

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